the characters as a whole, along with the themes of the film connote that all terrorists are madly in love with religion despite knowing deep down what they do is bad. admittedly, they agree that murder is a sin, however calling a murder a sacrifice makes it OK.
the process of the bomb making and the props, for example, raw materials denote that the characters are pursuing to cause damage. also, actions that occur through out the film denote that they don't actually know what they are doing- and therefore this connotes disaster. basically, on that fact alone lies the connotations of the whole production. it is a hap hazard guide to stupid criminals whom believe they are god.
Having already touched upon the silliness of the characters this is also connoted by the characters facial expressions when fazed by questions. for example, one character takes a picture of his face to re assure him self the is not showing his ' not confused face'- as he calls it. in terms of clothing, the majority of the public can identify the ethnicity of the protagonists and then further to learn of their religion. this deliberate hint for the audience denotes that the men are Muslim as they prey at a mosque and wear their religious robes.
the significance of the mise en scene enables the audience to identify with the problem of terrorism due to past events such as 7/7. London is a place where the production is shot and thereof ore evokes enigma codes from the audience, for example, is the point of this production to focus mainly on 7/7? Additionally, the language used in some of the scenes also encourages the audience to guess the religion and nationality of the characters- backed by the clothing and stereotypical props.
in terms of the soundtrack it is Avril 14th by Aphex Twin. this causes binary oppositions to occur as the film is about destroying places, lives and happiness- and therefore such a peaceful song encourages emotions of happiness and sadness to unite whilst watching this humorous tragedy.
camera angles are more or less used to show the humour of the tragedies when bombs are going off or when unfortunate events are about to unfold. some camera tricks such as night vision add a sense of police environment. additionally, the start of the film is recorder through a hand held camera. this is shown ton purpose as the audience soon realise that the men are terrorists with guns and the typical sheet behind them- as shown in real life terrorist films.
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