Male muslim extremists are represented to be uneducated and shown to be stupid. this is shown, for example, when a bomb is put on a crow, or when a grown man refers to chickens as rabbits repeatedly.
i suppose the extremists are represented like this to show the directors points of view or alternativley the mainstream audiences strong hatred towards terrorism. also, as terrorism is a danger to a wide audience, therefore very serious aspects of death are shown to be in a humour filled light. this helps demonstrates key concepts of death in an easy way to understand and one which chooses not to offend but to educates in a unusaul way.
however, this film does portray only a small group of muslims in society to be threats towards the world. the directors have been very specific when establishing this theme as it is repeated through out the film and binary oppositions are shown between the extremists and good, law abiding muslims (who ironicalyy are blamed for the terrorist attacks).
with regards to self representation, this media has no resemblence to me in any way. however, it appeals to me purley because it is humurous and does make easy veiwing for such important, real-life threatening situations.
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